Avanseus™ Cognitive Assistant for Networks now available on Red Hat OpenShift Container Platform

Singapore, 26-10-2020: Avanseus announces availability of its predictive maintenance software, Cognitive Assistant for Networks (CAN) on Red Hat OpenShift container platform in partnership with Redhat. OpenShift automates container application life cycle management, simplifies deployment and improves availability of software.

Avanseus is a pioneer in the field of Artificial Intelligence with a focus on predictive maintenance for Telecom and Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT) networks. Avanseus TM Cognitive Assistant for Networks (CAN) helps make telecom and IIoT network ecosystems more available and error free by providing predictive insights of network faults and performance, with industry leading precision. This enables service providers to plan their maintenance or network planning to circumvent upcoming faults or performance issues. CAN is operational with major service providers across the globe and is a leader in telecom predictive maintenance. CAN may be used with virtually all telecom technologies from legacy wireline to the latest 5G networks – this has been a driving factor in the successful collaboration with many operators.

With the advent of 5G and large industrial IoT networks, the number of network nodes have increased manifold. Hence a scalable, robust and multi-cloud platform is essential for any Service Provider’s predictive maintenance needs. AvanseusTM CAN is light weight in its hardware footprint, but still generates fast predictions, even with large amounts of input data. CAN monitors the network continuously with its unique health index prediction and initiates action if needed. Since 5G and other virtualized network components have high reliability grades, the chances of failure are rare, but of high impact when they occur. CAN AI Core predicts such rare failures in Service Provider networks which often resurface only after a long time period, and can even predict the first time failure of equipment based on the synthetic history created by the AI core of CAN.

CAN already supports cloud native implementations and is Kubernetes compatible, making it easily implementable and scalable. The partnership with Red Hat further extends the horizon by certifying the containerized software and micro-services with Red Hat frameworks for standardization, versatility and portability across various cloud platforms. It also enables plug and play installation of CAN software for Red Hat OpenShift users and places Avanseus nearer to such Service Providers who wish to enable predictive maintenance in their existing or upcoming Red Hat environment.

About Avanseus

Avanseus was founded in 2015 and is headquartered in Singapore with its research and development (R&D) and solution commercialization centre in Bengaluru (Bangalore), India. The Company established a US entity in 2016, a European entity in 2019 and has a network of partners across key global markets. Avanseus specializes in building enterprise solutions driven by Artificial Intelligence and Cognitive Computing. The Company’s current focus is Predictive Maintenance software, especially in the Telecom, Manufacturing and IoT sectors.

For further information, please contact:

Abhilash R
Head of Product Management, Avanseus
E: abhilash.r@avanseus.com
M: + 91 9620 76 3332

Mark Rodrigues
Head of Marketing, Avanseus
E: mark.rodrigues@avanseus.com
M: + 61 458 220 876